1990 新加坡国立大学,学士(一等荣誉)
1996 英国剑桥大学,博士
2008—至今 新加坡国立大学,力学生物学研究所,首席研究员
2017—至今 新加坡国立大学,生物工程系与机械工程系,教授
2018—至今 健康医疗创新与技术研究院,院长
2019—至今 新加坡国立大学,生物工程系和纳米科学与纳米技术计划,创始董事
2021—至今 新加坡国立大学,功能智能材料研究所(I-FIM),首席研究员
包括开展与人类疾病如癌症相关的细胞力学和力学生物学方面的基础研究与应用基础研究工作,并致力于发展基于力学的微米/纳米尺度的生物医学仪器。尤其在最近, 他发明了微流体生物芯片,用于从病人的血液中检测、分离并恢复极少量的活体循环癌细胞,在癌症检测、诊断和预测方面有广泛的应用前景。此项发明已赢得几项研究成果奖并已商业化。它还受到了世界范围的广泛关注,并且正在各国几家知名医院进行临床测试,也在美国和中国得到了批准。
1. Elected Fellow, Institution of Engineers Singapore 2023
2. Nature Lifetime Achievement Award for Mentoring in Science 2022
3. IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award 2022
4. Elected Fellow, International Union for Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 2022
5. Asia’s Most Influential Scientist, Fortune Times, 2021
6. Highly Cited Researcher 2018, 2019, 2021
7. IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award 2021, 2016, 2010
8. Elected Fellow, ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology 2021
9. Elected Fellow, US National Academy of Inventors 2020
10. Elected Fellow, Singapore National Academy of Science 2020
11. IP Champion, IPOS-WIPO IP Awards 2019
12. Human Frontier Science Program Research Grant Award 2012, 2018
13. Elected Fellow, ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award 2016
14. Asian Scientist 100, 2016
15. Vladimir K. Zworykin Award, 2015
16. Elected Fellow, International Academy of Medical and Biological Engineering 2016
17. Elected Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering 2016
18. Elected Fellow, Academy of Engineering Singapore 2016
19. Gold, Wall Street Journal Asian Innovation Awards 2012
20. Credit Suisse Technopreneur of the Year Award 2012
21. President’s Technology Award 2011
已发表 470 多篇期刊出版物以及 450 多场特邀讲座。文章总共被引用超过58,880次,科研成就指数h-index超过122。
1. Chen, S W, Q Zheng, Y Niu, J C Yeo, Y C Liu, J M Qi, S C Fan, X Y Liu, J Y Lee, C T Lim, Wearable flexible microfluidic sensing technologies, Nature Reviews Bioengineering, 2023.
2. Qi, J, F Gao, G Sun, J C Yeo, C T Lim, HaptGlove—Untethered Pneumatic Glove for Multimode Haptic Feedback in Reality–Virtuality Continuum, Advanced Science, 2301044, 2023.
3. Saw, T B, et al., Transepithelial potential difference governs epithelial fate by electromechanics, Nature Physics, 18, 9, 1122-1128, 2022.
4. Gaston, C, et al., EpCAM promotes endosomal modulation of the cortical RhoA zone for epithelial organization, Nature Communications, 12, 1, 1-22, 2021.
5. Gao, Y J, et al., A wearable multifunctional immunosensor for the monitoring of chronic wounds, Science Advances, 2021.
6. Phuong Le, A, et al., Adhesion-mediated heterogeneous actin organization governs apoptotic cell extrusion, Nature Communications, 12, 397, 2021.
7. Yu, G, et al., Flexible Hybrid Sensors for Health Monitoring: Materials and Mechanisms to Render Wearability, Advanced Materials, 32, 15, 1902133, 2020.
8. Jain, S, et al., Emergence of single cell mechanical behavior and polarity within epithelial monolayers drives collective cell migration, Nature Physics, 16, 802–809, 2020.
9. Sun*, A X, et al., Potassium Channel Dysfunction in Human Neuronal Models of Angelman Syndrome, Science, 366, 1486–1492, 2019.
10. Xi, W, et al., Material Approaches to Active Tissue Mechanics, Nature Reviews Materials, 4, 23–44, 2019.
11. Ding, X, et al., Defect Engineered Bioactive Transition Metals Dichalcogenides Quantum Dots, Nature Communications, 10, 41, 2019.
12. Lim, S B, et al., Addressing Cellular Heterogeneity in Tumor and Circulation for Refined Prognostication, PNAS, 116, 17957–17962, 2019.
13. Saw, T B, et al., Biological Tissues as Active Nematic Liquid Crystals, Advanced Materials, 30, 1802579, 2018.
14. Saw, T B, et al., Topological Defects in Epithelia Govern Cell Death and Extrusion, Nature, 544, 212–216, 2017.
15. Xi, W, et al., Emergent Patterns of Collective Cell Migration under Tubular Confinement, Nature Communications, 8, 1517, 2017.
1. Lim. C T, Q M P Nguyen, Y L A Li, M Wang, N Venugopal Menon, M R G Xiong, A A Saleem Bhagat, J C Teoh, A Portable Integrated Modular System For Microfluidic Based Nucleic Acid Testing, DNA Assembly and Transformation, SG Non-Provisional Application No. 10202005023R filed on 28 May 2020.
2. W Xi, C T Lim, F Kong, X Gong, Versatile, Biocompatible Elastomeric Microtubes, European Patent Application No. 3422999 on 9 Jan 2019.
3. B L Khoo, C T Lim, G Grenci, Cell Culture, European Patent Application No. 3448986 filed on 4 Dec 2018.
4. Kenry, J C Yeo, C T Lim, A Resistive Microfluidic Pressure Sensor, US patent pub no. 2018/006700 published on 8 Mar 2018.
5. J C Yeo, W Xi, L Yu, C T Lim, Microtube Sensor for Physiological Monitoring, US Patent Application No. 62/465,002 filed on 28 Feb 2017.
6. Kenry, J C Yeo, C T Lim, Highly Wearable Flexible Liquid Graphene Oxide-Based Microfluidic Resistive Pressure Sensor, US Provisional Application Serial No. 62/137,391 filed on 24 March, 2015.